EliteArk Steam 8 Man PVP Servers
Server Settings
- Max Players in Tribe – 8
- Tribe Slot Cooldown – 12 hours
- Harvesting: 12.5x (some resources adjusted for PVP balance)
- Taming: 12.5x
- Breeding: 20x
- Mating Interval: 0.65
- Cave Damage: 8x
- Tame Limit: 450
- Structure Auto-Decay: 72hrs Unrendered
- Alliances Disabled
EliteArk comes with many custom mods to enhance your game experience. You can find more info about our mods here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838339626
- Auto-Decay (destroys structures unrendered for 72hrs)
- Auto-Farm (carried dinos will auto-harvest with /farm enabled)
- Dino Color Tokens (color your tames with tokens from the EARealm Coinshop)
- Engrams Auto Unlocker (engrams are learnt as you level up)
- Anti Structure Mesh (makes mesh foundations much less common)
- EliteQuests (earn points and element for doing what is listed in /quests)
- Gamble (spend points for a chance to improve your blueprints)
- PVE for new player protection (automatic for first 48hrs or after being badly raided)
- PVP Cooldown (blocks certain actions while in PVP for PVP balance)
- Raid Warning (Discord DMs every 30min when your structures are being damaged)
- Turret Filler (to quickly put bullets/shards in your turret towers)
- Crafting stat has increased slightly
- Dino souls are added back
- Souls heal again
- Mini teleporters are added!
Season 13 Dino Buffs:
– Wyverns
– Stegos saddles (back to vanilla)
– Carbos saddles (back to vanilla)
– Reaper
– Arthro
– Megalodon
– Mantis
Game Settings
- Character Level 150 + Ascensions + Chibi (215 max)
- Experience Multiplier 2.5x
- Player Multiplier Health 2x
- Player Multiplier Stamina 5x
- Player Multiplier Oxygen 5x
- Player Multiplier Food 10x
- Player Multiplier Water 10x
- Player Multiplier Weight 15x
- Player Multiplier Speed 0.5x
- Player Multiplier Fortitude 2x
- Player Multiplier Crafting 0.4x
- Dino Breeding Maturation: 25x
- Dino Breeding Hatch: 25x
- Dino Breeding Consume: 0.85x
- Dino Breeding Interval: 1x
- Dino Breeding Imprint: 150%
Max Wild Dino Level – 150 (180 Tek Dinos/190 Wyvern/190 Rock Drake)
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Health 0.23x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Stamina 2.5x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Weight 10x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Damage 0.17x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Add Health 0.15x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Add Stamina 2.5x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Add Weight 10x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Add Damage 0.14x
- Dino Multipliers Tamed Add Speed 0.6x
Disabled Dinos: non-Tek Parasaurs/Liopleurodon/Titanosaur Changed Dinos: Bronto, can be tamed, but not be ridden
- Turret limit – 150 turrets in range of 9300 units
- Turret Damage – 1x (1.2x vs most raid dinos)
- Max Structures In Range – 5,000
- Max Tribe Structures per Map – 15,000
Disabled building in Genesis mission zones
- ORP Structures – 1 per map per tribe
- ORP Range – 20 foundations (7,000 units)
- Progress ORP – Increases over 8 hours
- 120 min delay on PVP logging for ORP. ORP will not start to activate until 2 hours after if you logged out during any PVP.
- Max ORP Structure Resistance – 12.5%
- Max ORP Turret Damage – 300% ORP
- Turret Ammo – Finite
- ORP Structure Health – 150,000